Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The amphion is a 10-line structure in iambic meter.  Lines 1, 4, 7, and 10 are tetrameter (4 beats), and they are separated by couplets in dimeter (2 beats). The rhyme scheme is abbaccdeed.

Here's a sample poem from *Mary Harper Sowell's collectiion called Poetry Patterns A-Z.

Glorious Springtime

The signs of Spring are everywhere--
               Golden skies,
Showers cleanse the April air;
               Gypsy breeze,
               Dancing trees.
The multitude of birds that sing;
              Rushing streams,
              Newborn dreams--
A glorious season is the Spring.

*Mary Harper Sowell  (deceased) was a teacher of the blind. She lived in Fairfield Bay, AR, and was a member of the writers' group there.  She was probably also a member of Poets Round Table of Arkansas.


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